Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

As promised I found the Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening.  Give yourself a break.  All of this will pass.   Healing sometimes takes time.  

Great youtube video: 

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening
by Annarita
  1. Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep. Lately I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides. Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with it and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia). You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need. You can also request your Higher Power to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night's sleep. If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.
  2. Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as "sprinkles". This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head. As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown. In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps. Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown chakra. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.
  3. Sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest). This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart chakra. Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm. One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc. that no longer match us and our frequencies. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.
  4. Old "stuff" seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their clones) appear in your life. Completion issues. Or perhaps you need to work through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc. The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear. Advice: Same as #3. Additionally, don't get too involved in analyzing these issues. Examining them too much will simply cycle you back through them over and over again at deeper and deeper levels. Get professional help if you need to and walk through it. Do not try to avoid them or disassociate yourself from them. Embrace whatever comes up and thank it for helping you move ahead. Thank your Higher Power for giving you the opportunity to release these issues. Remember, you don't want these issues to stay stuck in your body.
  5. Changes in weight. The weight gain in the US population is phenomenal. Other people may be losing weight. We often gain weight because many fears we have suppressed are now coming up to the surface to be healed. We react by building up a defense. We also attempt to ground ourselves or provide bulk against increasing frequencies in our bodies. Advice: Don't freak out, but just accept it as a symptom of where you are right now. You will release/gain the weight when all your fears have been integrated. Release your anxiety about this. Then you might find it easier to lose/gain the weight eventually. Exercise. Before eating, try this: Sit at the table with an attractive place setting. Light a candle. Enjoy how the food looks. Place your dominant hand over your heart and bless the food. Tell your body that you are going to use the food to richly nourish it, but that you are not going to use the food to fulfill your emotional hungers. Then pass your hand from left to right over the food and bless it. You may notice that the food feels warm to your hand even if the food is cold-- I like to think that the food is good for me when it feels warm and nourishing to my hand. I have also noticed that when I practice blessing the food, I don't eat as much. It is important not to let yourself off the hook when you forget to bless the food before you eat. If I've forgotten and I've nearly finished eating, I bless the food anyway. That way I don't slip out of the habit. Another thing you can do is to stay present while eating -- don't watch TV or read. Heartily enjoy what blessings are before you.
  6. Changes in eating habits: Strange cravings and odd food choices. Some find they are not as hungry as they used to be. Or hungrier. Advice: Don't deny what your body tells you it needs. If you are not sure, you might try muscle-testing before you chose a food to see if it's what your body wants. Also try blessing the food as described in #5.
  7. Food intolerances, allergies you never had before: As you grow more spiritual, you are more sensitive to everything around you. Your body will tell you what it can no longer tolerate, as if it, too, is sloughing off what doesn't serve it anymore. You might be cleansing yourself of toxins. Some people find they often have a white residue in their mouth, much like that of runners at the end of a race. Advice: An acupuncturist told me that this film can be removed by sloshing 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes (don't swallow, whatever you do), then spitting it out into the toilet -- not the sink, for you just removed toxins from your body and don't want them in the sink. Brush your teeth and do the same. Then clean your brush. (Sorry this is yukky, but it works.)
  8. Amplification of the senses. Increased sensitivity. 8a. Sight: Blurry vision, shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants, animals, and objects. Some report seeing formerly opaque objects as transparent. When you close your eyes, you no longer see darkness, but redness. You may also see geometric shapes or brilliant colors and pictures when eyes are closed. Colors appear more vivid -- the sky might look teal or the grass an amazing green. Often I see grids running across the ground. As you become more sensitive, you may see shapes or outlines in the air, especially when the room is almost dark. When your eyes are open or closed, you may see white shapes in your peripheral vision (these are your guides). Advice: Your vision is changing in many ways -- you are experiencing new ways of seeing. Be patient. Whatever you do, do not be afraid. Hazy vision maybe relieved by yawning. 8b. Hearing: Increased or decreased hearing. I once thought I would have to pull off the road because of the painfully amplified sound of my tires on the freeway. Other symptoms are hearing white noise in the head, beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns. Some hear water rushing, bees buzzing, whooshing, roaring or ringing. Others have what is called audio dyslexia-- you can't always make out what people are saying, as if you can no longer translate your own language. Some hear strange voices in their dreams, as if someone is hovering near them. You can either ask the presence(s) to leave or ask Archangel Michael to take care of the situation. Again, there is nothing to fear. Advice: Surrender to it. Let it come through. Listen. Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies. 8c. Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste. I notice I can now smell and taste chemical additives in some foods in a rather unpleasant manner. Other food may taste absolutely wonderful. For some people, these enhancements are both delightful and distracting. You might even smell the fragrance of flowers now and then. Many of the mystics did. Enjoy it.
  9. Skin eruptions: Rashes, bumps, acne, hives, and shingles. Anger produces outbreaks around the mouth and chin. I had a dermatitis on my extremities for several months that accompanied healing an episode from my past. When I had worked through most of the issue, the condition was released. Advice: You may be sloughing off toxins and bringing emotions to the surface. When there is an issue to be released and you are trying to repress it, your skin will express the issue for you until you process the emotions. Work through your "stuff".
  10. Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action. Followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue. The fatigue usually follows great shifts. This is a time of integration, so give into it. Advice: Roll with the nature of the energy. Don't fight it. Be gentle with yourself. Take naps if you are tired. Write your novel if you are too energized to sleep. Take advantage of the type of energy.
  11. Changes in prayer or meditation. Not feeling the same sensations as before. Not having the same experience of being in contact with Spirit. Difficulty in focusing. Advice: You may be in more instant and constant communion with Spirit now and the sensation may therefore be altered. You will adapt to this new feeling. You are actually thinking and acting in partnership with Spirit most of the time now. You may find your meditation periods shorter.
  12. Power surges: All of a sudden you are heated from head to toe. It is a momentary sensation, but uncomfortable. In contrast, some people have felt inexplicably cold. I have experienced both. More recently I experience waves or currents of energy rolling through me. Sometimes the energy seems so intense when it first comes into my body that I feel a little nauseated. But if I think of the energy as divine and let go of fear, I feel wonderful and enjoy the sensation. If you are an energy worker, you may have noticed that the heat running through your hands has increased tremendously. This is good. Advice: If you are uncomfortable, ask your Higher Power, that if it be for your best and highest good, to turn down/up the temperature a bit.
  13. A range of physical manifestations: Headaches, backaches, neck pains, flu-like symptoms (this is called vibrational flu), digestive problems, muscular spasms or cramps, racing heartbeat, chest pains, changes in sexual desire, numbness or pain in the limbs, and involuntary vocalizations or bodily movements. Some of us have even had old conditions from childhood reappear briefly for healing. Advice: Remember what I said about seeking medical help if you need it! If you have determined that this is not a medical condition, relax in the realization that it is only temporary.
  14. Looking younger. Yippee! As you clear emotional issues and release limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past, you are actually lighter. Your frequency is higher. You love yourself and life more. You begin to resemble the perfect you that you really are.
  15. Vivid dreams. Sometimes the dreams are so real that you wake up confused. You may even have lucid dreams in which you are in control. Many dreams may be mystical or carry messages for you. And in some dreams, you just know that you are not "dreaming" -- that what is happening is somehow real. Advice: You will remember what is important for you to remember. Don't force anything. Above all, stay out of fear.
  16. Events that completely alter your life: death, divorce, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes -- sometimes several at once! Forces that cause you to slow down, simplify, change, re-examine who you are and what your life means to you. Forces that you cannot ignore. Forces that cause you release your attachments. Forces that awaken your sense of love and compassion for all.
  17. A desire to break free from restrictive patterns, life-draining jobs consumptive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations. You feel a compelling need to "find yourself" and your life purpose -- now! You want to be creative and free to be who you really are. You might find yourself drawn to the arts and nature. You want to unclutter yourself from things and people that no longer serve you. Advice: Do it!
  18. Emotional and mental confusion: A feeling that you need to get your life straightened out--it feels like a mess. But at the same time you feel chaotic and unable to focus. See #45. Advice: Put your ear to your heart and your own discernment will follow.
  19. Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in more extroverted activities: This stage has come as a surprise to many extraverts who formerly saw themselves as outgoing and involved. They say, "I don't know why, but I don't like to go out as much as before."
  20. Creativity bursts: Receiving images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations at an often overwhelming rate. Advice: At least record these inspirations, for Spirit is speaking to you about how you might fulfill your purpose and contribute to the healing of the planet.
  21. A perception that time is accelerating. It seems that way because you have had so many changes introduced into your life at an unprecedented rate. The number of changes seems to be growing. Advice: Breaking your day up into appointments and time segments increases the sense of acceleration .You can slow time down by relaxing into the present moment and paying attention to what's at hand, not anticipating what's ahead. Slow down and tell yourself that you have plenty of time. Ask your Higher Power to help you. Keep your focus on the present. Try to flow from one activity to the next. Stay tuned to your inner guidance. You can also warp time by asking for it. Next time you feel rushed, say, "Time warp, please. I need some more time to -----." Then relax.
  22. A sense of impendingness. There is a feeling that something is about to happen. This can create anxiety. Advice: There is nothing to worry about. Things are definitely happening, but anxiety only creates more problems for you. All your thoughts -- positive or negative-- are prayers. There is nothing to fear.
  23. Impatience. You know better, but sometimes you can't help it. You want to get on with what seems to be coming your way. Uncertainty is not comfortable. Advice: Learn to live with the uncertainty, knowing that nothing comes to you until you are ready. Impatience is really a lack of trust, especially trust in your Higher Power. When you focus on the present, you will experience miracles -- yes, even in traffic.
  24. A deep yearning for meaning, purpose, spiritual connection, and revelation. Perhaps an interest in the spiritual for the first time in your life. "Constant craving", as k.d. lang says. The material world cannot fulfill this longing. Advice: Follow your heart and the way will open up for you.
  25. A feeling that you are somehow different. A disquieting sense that everything in your life feels new and altered, that you have left your old self behind. You have. You are much greater than you can possibly imagine. There is more to come.
  26. "Teachers" appear everywhere with perfect timing to help you on your spiritual journey: people, books, movies, events, Mother Nature, etc. Teachers may appear to be negative or positive when you are trapped in polarity thinking, but, from a transcendent perspective, they are always perfect. Just what you need to learn from and move on. By the way, we never get more than we are ready to master. Each challenge presents us with an opportunity to show our mastery in passing through it.
  27. You find a spiritual track that makes sense to you and "speaks to you" at the most profound levels. Suddenly you are gaining a perspective that you would never have considered before. You hunger to know more. You read, share with others, ask questions, and go inside to discover more about who you are and why you are here
  28. You are moving through learning and personal issues at a rapid pace. You sense that you are "getting it" quite readily. Advice: Keep remembering that things will come to you when they are ready to be healed. Not sooner. Deal with whatever comes up with courage and you will move through the issues rapidly.
  29. Invisible presences. Here is the woo-woo stuff. Some people report feeling surrounded by beings at night or having the sensation of being touched or talked to. Often they will wake with a start. Some also feel their body orbed vibrate. The vibrations are caused by energetic changes after emotional clearing has taken place. Advice: This is a sensitive topic, but you may feel better blessing your bed and space around it before you sleep. I rest assured that I am surrounded only by the most magnificent spiritual entities and am always safe in God's care. Sometimes, however, the fear gets to me, and I call in Archangel Michael and/or Archangel Uriel. I don't beat myself up for being afraid sometimes. I forgive myself for not always sovereign at 3:00 a.m.
  30. Portents, visions, "illusions", numbers, and symbols: Seeing things that have spiritual importance for you. Noticing how numbers appear synchronistically in your awareness. Everything has a message if you take the time to look. I enjoy the experience of "getting the messages." What fun!
  31. Increased integrity: You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth. It suddenly seems important for you to become more authentic, more yourself. You may have to say "no" to people whom you have tried to please in the past. You may find it intolerable to stay in a marriage or job or place that doesn't support who you are. You may also find there is nowhere to hide, no secrets to keep anymore. Honesty becomes important in all your relationships. Advice: Listen to your heart. If your guidance tells you not to do something, speak up and take action. Say "no". Likewise, you must also say "yes" to that which compels you. You must risk displeasing others without guilt in order to attain spiritual sovereignty.
  32. Harmony with seasons and cycles: You are becoming more tuned to the seasons, the phases of the moon and natural cycles. More awareness of your place in the natural world. A stronger connection to the earth.
  1. Electrical and mechanical malfunctions: When you are around, lightbulbs flicker, the computer locks up, or the radio goes haywire. Advice: Call on your angels, guides, or Grace Elohim to fix it or put up a field of protection of light around the machine. Surround your car with bluelight. Laugh.
  2. Increased synchronicity and many small miracles. Look for more of these. Advice: Synchronistic events tell you if you are heading in the right direction or making the correct choices. Honor these clues and you cannot go astray. Spirit uses synchronicity to communicate to you. That's when you begin to experience daily miracles. See #30.
  3. Increased intuitive abilities and altered states of consciousness: Thinking of someone and immediately hearing from them. More synchronicities. Having sudden insights about patterns or events from the past. Clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, and other psychic phenomena. Intensified sensitivity and knowing. Awareness of one's essence and that of others. Channeling angelic and Christ-consciousness energies.
  4. Communication with Spirit. Contact with angels, spirit guides, and other divine entities. Channeling. More and more people seem to be given this opportunity. Feeling inspiration and downloading information that takes form as writing, painting, ideas, communications, dance, etc.
  5. A sense of Oneness with all. A direct experience of this Wholeness. Transcendent awareness. Being flooded with compassion and love for all life. Compassionate detachment or unconditional love for all is what lifts us up to higher levels of consciousness and joy.
  6. Moments of joy and bliss. A deep abiding sense of peace and knowing that you are never alone.
  7. Integration: You become emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually stronger and clearer. You feel as if you are in alignment with your Higher Self.
  8. Living your purpose: You know you are finally doing what you came to earth for. New skills and gifts are emerging, especially healing ones. Your life/work experiences are now converging and starting to make sense. You are finally going to use them all. Advice: Listen to your heart. Your passion leads you to where you must go. Go within and ask your Higher Power, "What is it you would have me do?" Watch for synchronicities. Listen.
  9. Feeling closer to animals and plants. To some people, animals now seem to be more "human" in their behavior. Wild animals are less afraid. Plants respond to your love and attention more than ever. Some may even have messages for you.
  10. Seeing beings of other dimensions. The veil between dimensions is thinner, so it is not surprising. Just stay in your sovereignty. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine, so do not entertain fear. Ask your guides for help if you slip into fear.
  11. Seeing a person's true form or seeing loved ones with a different face -- past life or parallel life.
  12. Physically manifesting thoughts and desires more quickly and efficiently. Advice: Monitor your thoughts. All thoughts are prayers. Be careful what you ask for.
  13. Left -brain fogginess. Your psychic abilities, your intuitive knowing, your feeling and compassion, your ability to experience your body, your visioning, your expressiveness all emanate from the right brain. In order for this side of the brain to develop more fully, the left brain must shut down a little bit. Normally the left-hemisphere's capacity for order, organization, structure, linear sequencing, analysis, evaluation, precision, focus, problem-solving, and mathematics dominate our often less-valued right brain. What results are memory lapses, placing words in the wrong sequence, inability or no desire to read for very long, inability to focus; forgetting what you are just about to say; impatience with linear forms of communication (audio or written formats); a feeling of spaciness, being scattered; losing interesting research or complex information; feeling bombarded with words and talk and information; and a reluctance to write. Sometimes you feel dull and have no interest in analysis, lively intellectual discussion, or investigation. On the other hand, you might find yourself drawn to the sensate: videos, magazines with photos, beautiful artwork, movies, music, sculpting, painting, being with people, dancing, gardening, walking, and other kinesthetic forms of expression. You may search for spiritual content, even science fiction. Advice: You may discover that if you allow your heart and your right brain to lead you, the left will then be activated appropriately to support you. And someday we will be well-balanced, using both hemispheres with mastery.
  14. Dizziness. This occurs when you are ungrounded. Perhaps you have just cleared a big emotional issue and your body is adjusting to your "lighter" state. Advice: Ground yourself by eating protein. Sometimes "comfort food" feels right. Don't make any food right or wrong for you. Use your guidance to know what you need at any given moment. Take your shoes off and put your feet in the grass for a couple of minutes.
  15. Falling, having accidents, breaking bones. Your body is not grounded or perhaps your life is out of balance. Or your body may be telling you to slow down, examine certain aspects of your life, or heal certain issues. There is always a message. When I recently broke my ankle, I understand that my ankle was taking on what I myself refused to deal with. And that was all of the above. Advice: Stay grounded by taking your shoes off and putting your feet in the grass; even better, lie down on the grass without a blanket under you. Feel the earth beneath you. Get out in nature. Slow down and pay attention. Be mindful about what you are doing. Feel your feelings when they come up. Stay in the present. Surround yourself with blue light when you are feeling shaky.
  16. Heart palpitations. A racing heart usually accompanies a heart opening. It only lasts for a few moments and means that the heart is re-balancing itself after an emotional release. I had one episode that terrified me: I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding. I thought it was going to come right out of my chest. It only happened once and was, I understand, a huge heart-chakra opening. But I did check it out. There is nothing wrong with my heart. Advice: Remember what I said about getting medical attention when needed. Consult your doctor about any conditions you are not comfortable with.
  17. Faster hair and nail growth. More protein is being used in the body. Too bad we can't tell the body where to grow the hair and where not to grow it. (Or can we? Hmmm.)
  18. A desire to find your soulmate or twin flame. More than ever before, the idea that we can have a relationship that matches who we are seems more desirable. Advice: The truth is, we have to be the kind of person we want to attract. We have to love ourselves and where we are right now before we can attract a more "perfect" mate. The work begins at home. Here is how I think it works: Hold the desire for this person in your heart, but without attachment. Expect that someday you will meet someone who is more suited to you, but let go of any expectations as to who this will be and how it will happen. Focus instead on cleaning up your own life and being the kind of person you want to be. Be happy now. Enjoy your life. Then you may see.....
  19. Memories surface. Body memories, suppressed memories, images of past lives and/or parallel lives. We are healing and integrating all our "selves", so expect to have some of these experiences. Advice. Keep in mind that it is best to recall what only what comes to mind, leave the rest alone, don't analyze everything to death (because you will be stuck in the tape loop of infinite issues to process), and feel your feelings as they come up. Ask for help from your guides.
Note: This document may be shared, but please send it in its entirety. Thanks. Love and hugs, Annarita

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Male Orgasm

 by Christie LaValley for Under the Covers on***This is in no way is an ad for sex.  These are suggestions for your personal life, not for office visits.

The male orgasm is a complicated experience. The main function of the male orgasm is the ejaculation of sperm, however, not all men ejaculate with orgasm.  This fact is often a surprise to most men.
Ejaculation and the Male Orgasm
According to
: , it is possible to have a male orgasm without ejaculation.
  • Pre-adolescent boys may experience an orgasm without ejaculation.
  • Some men do not have an ejaculation until several seconds after orgasm.
  • Some men, who are incapable of ejaculation, are still capable of orgasm.
  • Some men, may experience several ejaculations and go on to have further orgasms, but without ejaculation.
Physical Experience of the Male orgasm
The male orgasm seems to have psychological effect as well as a physical effects. Some men experience, an orgasm in just the scrotum and the genital area, while other men report a sensation that expands out to other parts of the body. Still, other men claim that their orgasms full body experience.
To understand how the male come to have an orgasm first we must understand how the penis works. Penile erection involves a complex interaction between three of the body systems to work together,  the vascular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system.  Penile erection happens when two tubular structures, known as the corpora cavernosa become engorged with venous blood, Corpora cavernosa  run the length of the penis  and usually fill up due to physiological stimuli, also known as sexual stimulation and sexual arousal. The corpus spongiosum, a single tubular structure which contains the urethra may also become slightly engorged with blood, but less so than the corpora cavernosa.
Nervous System
When aroused by sexual stimulus, the reflex centers of the spinal cord begin to emit impulses that leave the cord, go to the genitals and initiate emission, the forerunner of ejaculation.

Vascular System
Many fluids from the vas deferens, the prostate, the ampulla and the seminal vesicles and even more tiny glands), mix and head into the internal urethra by contractions of the groin muscles. The filling of the internal urethra evoke signals that are transmitted through the pudendal nerves from the spinal cord. Increases of pressure in the urethra prompt the semen to be thrusted out, resulting in ejaculation. After ejaculation, erection will subside within one or two minutes in most males.

Endocrine System:
Levels of testosterone in every man is different and play a major role in and performance.

What Happens During the Male Orgasm?
 When an orgasm begins, heart rate, blood pressure and respiration all increase. His pelvic thrusts become less voluntary and muscles of the penis will  begin to contract rhythmically in order to eject semen from the urethra
. Males are able to reach orgasm from the time they begin puberty. During puberty, many males even reach orgasm during their sleep. This is called a "wet dream."
Men are capable of multiple orgasm however, too often when men hear the term “male multiple orgasm,”  they view it as  experiencing orgasm and ejaculation several times in a row. 15-20% of males in their teens and twenties reported that they were capable of repeated orgasm with ejaculation in a limited period of time. Most men will lost this ability by age 30 or 40’. However,  the term male multiple orgasm usually refer to the experience of having several non-ejaculatory orgasms in a row during one session of sex play, which is a different, but intense and satisfying, sexual experience

Orgasm and Ejaculation are Separate for Men

Just as we are not taught and often surprised women can ejaculate, men rarely taught that orgasm and ejaculation  are also separate for men. Because most men learn to orgasm by themselves and share their experience verbally only with other young men, they never learn the distinction between orgasm and ejaculation.. But they are two different experiences, and when men learn to separate them, they can also learn to have more than one orgasm for each ejaculation.  A male must to control ejaculation and hold it back, while having several non-ejaculatory orgasms. This is learn from masturbation .  A man must discover his own sexual responses and feelings. Some men love these feelings and incorporate them into their regular sexual practice, where others claim that this experience has a spiritual element to it. It is not uncommon that some men will find that even though they are orgasm multiple times that they like ejaculating better. Western are most likely not to be taught the ancient tantric practices as a man in the east is taught.
 To learn more read the  blog on” Male multiple orgasm”
Men like women can cheat themselves of orgasm by worrying about their performance.  Take turns with your partner rather than worrying about performance.  Have your partner agree to turn taking for both orgasm and performance.  You will both benefit  and will be able to have a more orgasmic  productive love life .

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Under The Covers episode 4: female orgasm

By Christie LaValley for Under the Covers on
***This is in no way is an ad for sex.  These are suggestions for your personal life, not for office visits.
According to several major surveys, only 25 percent of women always climax when having sex with a partner. The rest of women either sometimes do, or never orgasm during intercourse at all, while 90 percent of men easily orgasm 100 percent of the time.  No wonder men love sex! Why is there such a big difference?  Elisabeth Lloyd, Ph.D., a biology professor at Indiana University, states in her book The Case of the Female Orgasm: Bias in the Science of Evolution, : "The clitoris has the indispensable function of promoting sexual excitement, which induces the female to have intercourse and become pregnant. But the actual incidence of the reflex of orgasm has never been tied to successful reproduction." Translation: Because women can and do get pregnant without climaxing, scientists can't figure out why women orgasm at all. However,  most scientists do agree on the how. What they know is that knowledge can help the average girl hit her peak more often.
A woman's most powerful sex organ lies just between her ears. If a woman can put aside all fear, guilt, stress and a host of other distracting thoughts and concentrate on the feeling of sex rather than any thinking, she is bound to be successful in her quest for orgasm. It is suggested the taking breaks to pleasure each other, manually and orally, is a great way to ward off any lingering diversions and to coax one or more orgasms.
There is warm, unique rush women feel during foreplay that results in  blood heading straight to their vaginas and clitorises. The walls of the vagina start to swell and secrete these  beads of lubrication that slowly gets bigger and eventually start to flow together. Like a man, , blood continues to flood the pelvic area as a woman becomes more turned on.  The breathing speeds up, the heart rate increases, and the nipples become erect. The lower part of the vagina narrows to hold the penis while the upper part expands to give the penis someplace to go.  Eventually nerve and muscle tension become intense in the genitals, pelvis, buttocks, and thighs. When enough tension builds the body will involuntarily releases all the tension at once in a series of intensely pleasurable waves, aka female orgasm.

 During Female orgasm, the uterus, vagina, and anus will contract simultaneously at 0.8-second intervals. During a small orgasm may consist of three to five contractions; where as a biggie there could  ten to fifteen. Everybody is different.   Many women report feeling different types of orgasms — clitoral, vaginal, and/ or combinations of the two.  It has been found that muscles in other parts of the body may contract involuntarily making women clench their toes or make goofy faces. As for the brain, a recent small-scale study at the Netherlands' University of Groningen found that areas involving fear and emotion are actually deactivated during orgasm. No wonder some of us turn to sex instead of a therapist. The  body usually goes into a state of satisfied relaxation.

Women, like their male counterparts, can experience pelvic heaviness and aching if they do not reach orgasm leaving them with form of  "blue balls. Like the male version, it's harmless.

Types of Orgasms:
Betty Dodson’s descriptions of orgasm which she outlines in her excellent book Orgasms for Two come from over 30 years of teaching women to orgasm, and her own orgasmic experience, which may be unparalleled. Her descriptions of orgasm are guided by her own biases, which favors genital stimulation, and while she discounts the experience of some women, these descriptions offer a great starting point to discuss the multitude of ways men and women can experience orgasm. Below is a summary of some of her orgasm types, with additional comments.
Pressure orgasms. Dodson ties these to early childhood experiences rocking back and forth or masturbating by squeezing your legs together. This orgasm comes from indirect stimulation, no rubbing, but instead applying pressure (by leaning heavily against or on something). As children we may engage in this kind of self soothing and sex stimulating behavior even if it doesn’t result in an orgasm the way we think of them as adults. A study published in the journal Pediatrics in 2005 took note of this very common form of self-stimulation, particularly in young girls. Some adults may bring this behavior into their sex lives and have orgasms from it.
Tension orgasms. This is the orgasm that comes from direct and intense stimulation usually while you are holding your body and muscles tight and tense, and holding your breath. Dodson considers tension orgasms the most common, favored because they are quick and dirty. She also calls them “peak orgasms” as they offer an intense build up followed by a sudden release. Tension orgasms could be our default because of early sexual experiences, which are often secretive and quick. It’s often been suggested that for men, premature ejaculation is a result of learning early on how to get aroused and orgasm quickly. For women too, early experiences can influence later ones, and Dodson encourages people to try to experience more orgasms beyond these, even if they do do the trick.
Relaxation orgasms. Dodson describes this type of orgasm as coming not from a build up of tension, but from deep relaxation during sexual stimulation, where you continue to release tension and relax your muscles and eventually the orgasm sneaks up on you. As opposed to the “peak orgasm” Dodson cites Shree Rajneesh, a Tantric sex master and author of Tantra, Spirituality and Sex , who refers to these kinds of orgasms as “valley orgasms”.
Combination or blended orgasms.Ideally orgasm is a fluid process (no pun intended) and if sex play lasts long enough you’ll get to enjoy more than one experience during orgasm, which we can call a combination orgasm. For Dodson, who has been teaching women to orgasm for over 30 years, combination orgasms involve a specific set of actions, including: “clitoral stimulation, vaginal stimulation, PC muscle contractions, pelvic thrusting, and breathing out loud.” One could broaden this definition to include orgasms that offer a variety of experiences and opportunity for you to pay attention to the different waves of orgasmic feelings.
Clitoral stimulation. Most women require stimulation of the clitoris and labia (the inner lips surrounding the clitoris) during sex to reach orgasm. Prolonged clitoral touch with a gentle, patient hand is, for many, the key to sexual ecstasy. Use sounds and positive words to guide your lover, showing your partner how to stroke you just so.
The sacred spot. The mythic Grafenberg Spot (G-spot) is referred to in Tantra as the "sacred spot." This potent and mysterious erogenous zone is located about two to three inches up on the front side of the vaginal channel. When aroused,  a man should slip his ring finger into the  woman’s  vagina allowing his fingertip to brush against the inner wall. The G-spot is between the size of a pea and a quarter with a slightly rippled texture. For some women, though not for all, gentle stimulation can induce powerful orgasms and even female ejaculate. However, take care not to over-stimulate this sensitive spot.
The g spot debate is far from over, and while Dodson doesn’t discount them, she favors clitoral stimulation at least being in the mix, and offers a wary attitude to those who argue for orgasms that come from penetration alone. Nonetheless, many women report orgasms that come from g spot stimulation being fundamentally different from orgasms that come from other kinds of stimulation, and given the number of women who have written and talked about it, they certainly deserve a place in the orgasm encyclopedia.
Fantasy orgasms-there have been several studies and years of anecdotal reports by women who have orgasms without any physical contact, and from mental fantasy alone. There is a tendency by many to see orgasms from fantasy as being less than other kinds of orgasms, but this attitude seems to come mostly from rigid thinking about the right and wrong way to orgasm, and less from people’s personal experiences.
Multiple orgasms. While female multiple orgasms are more often talked about, both men and women are capable of having multiple orgasms. Dodson distinguishes between multiple orgasms and the “aftershocks of pleasure” that follow a big orgasm, which some people might call orgasms, and which allows them to count 20 or 30 orgasms a night. One of the pitfalls of multiple orgasms is the trap of waiting for them and having anxiety about whether or not you’ll have them. Do either of these things and your attention will be taken away from the pleasure you’re feeling, which is a waste of an orgasm whatever number it comes in.

Sites used in writing this article:
Dodson, Betty. Orgasms for Two. New York: Harmony Books, 2002.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


BY:  Rev. Christie LaValley
According to Wikipedia the definition of AIDS/HIVis: “Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1][2][3] This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to opportunistic infections and tumors. HIV is transmitted through direct contact of a mucous membrane or the bloodstream with a bodily fluid containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.[4][5] This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding or other exposure to one of the above bodily fluids".

As of 2009, it is estimated that there are 33.3 million people worldwide living with HIV/AIDS . There are 2.6 million new  infections per year and 1.8 million annual deaths due to AIDS. According to UNAIDS 2009 report, some 60 million people have been infected worldwide.

Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in west-central Africa during the late nineteenth or early twentieth century. AIDS was first recognized by the U.S.  in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s.

After being exposed to HIV and actually becoming infected one will often show signs within the first few weeks.  However, one may have no signs or symptoms at all, although still able to transmit the virus to others. Many people may develop a short flu-like illness two to four weeks after becoming infected.  Some of the signs and symptoms may include:
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Rash
When one should see a doctor
 Many illnesses start with this simple array of symptoms, so infection is often overlooked and one never believes that they could have become infected.
If you think you may have been infected with HIV or are at risk of contracting the virus, seek medical counseling as soon as possible.
HIV Progression to AIDS
 When receiving no treatment for HIV infection, the disease typically progresses to AIDS in about 10 years. By the time AIDS develops, the immune system has been severely damaged, making one susceptible to opportunistic infection — diseases that wouldn't trouble a person with a healthy immune system. One may remain symptom-free for years.
The actual term AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infection. The definition of AIDS includes all HIV-infected people who have fewer than 200 CD4+ T cells per cubic millimeter of blood.Healthy adults usually have CD4+ T-cell counts of 1,000 or more. The virus continue to multiply and destroy immune cells.  One could develop mild infections or chronic symptoms such as:
  • Swollen lymph nodes — often one of the first signs of HIV infection
  • Fever , shaking chills or fever higher than 100 F (38 C) for several weeks
  • Cough and shortness of breath
  • Lack of energy, Persistent, unexplained fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Frequent fevers and sweats, soaking night sweats
  • Persistent or frequent yeast infections (oral or vaginal)
  • Persistent skin rashes, bumps or flaky skin
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (in women) that does not respond to treatment
  • Short-term memory loss.
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Persistent white spots or unusual lesions on your tongue or in your mouth
  • Headaches
  • Blurred and distorted vision. Vision loss
  • Seizures and lack of coordination
  • Difficult or painful swallowing
  • Mental symptoms, such as confusion and forgetfulness
  • Nausea, abdominal cramps, and vomiting
  • Coma.  
Children with AIDS may also suffer  from severe common childhood bacterial infections, such as conjunctivitis , ear infections, and tonsillitis.
HIV is found in body fluids such as semen and vaginal fluids and in blood. HIV cannot live for long outside the body, so to be infected with HIV you need to directly allow some body fluid from an infected person to get inside your body, meaning the virus msy enter the body bu means of  contact with the bloodstream or by passing through delicate mucous membranes, such as inside the urethra, vagina or rectum

The most common ways that people become infected with HIV are:
  • Sexual intercourse with an infected partner.
  • Injecting drugs using a dirty needle or syringe. Dirty meaning that object  has been used by someone who is infected.
  • Babies of an infected mother, often acquire HIV during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or through breastfeeding.
Vaginal sex
·         HIV is found in the sexual fluids of an infected person. For a man, this means the pre-come and semen fluids that come out of the penis before and during sex. For a woman, it means HIV is in the vaginal fluids which are produced by the vagina to keep it clean and to help make intercourse easier. HIV can pass into the woman's body through the lining of the vagina, cervix and womb. The risk of HIV transmission is increased if the woman has a cut or sore inside or around her vagina; HIV can get into the man's body through a sore patch on the penis or by getting into the urethra or the inside of uncircumcised foreskin.
Anal sex
·         Being on the bottom of Anal Sex carries a higher risk of HIV transmission than being on the bottom of vaginal intercourse. The lining of the anus is much more delicate than the tougher lining of the vagina. If a man takes the insertive (“top”) position in anal sex with a man or woman who has HIV, then he too risks becoming infected.
Oral sex
·         Oral sex carries a small risk of HIV infection. A person giving oral sex (licking or sucking the penis or the vagina ) to a person with HIV, then infected fluid could get into their mouth, bleeding gums or tiny sores or ulcers somewhere in their mouth, means a higher risk of HIV entering their bloodstream.
·         There is also a small risk that a person with HIV  who gives oral sex when having  bleeding gums or a bleeding wound in their mouth. Saliva does not pose a risk. HIV infection through oral sex alone seems to be very rare
Contact with any blood during sex
·         increases the chance of infection. Intercourse during a woman's period should be avoided . STDs such as herpes and gonorrhoea – can also raise the risk of HIV transmission.

Drug Injecting
·         Drug users that inject are a high-risk group for exposure to HIV. Sharing needles or other  equipment is certain to transmit blood-borne viruses such as HIV and/or Hepatitis C. Sharing anything including product used for injecting is three times more likely to transmit HIV than sexual intercourse. Disinfecting equipment between each use can reduce the chance of transmission, but does not eliminate it entirely. If a person is on drugs (including alcohol) then their judgment may be clouded, making them more likely to become involved in risky sexual behavior, which increases the chance of exposure to HIV.

Mother to child transmission
·         Pregnant woman that are infected can pass HIV on to her unborn baby during pregnancy, labor and delivery. HIV can also be transmitted through breastfeeding.
·         Infected women can take drugs to greatly reduce the chances of her child becoming infected.

Blood transfusions and blood products
·         Some have been infected through a transfusion of infected blood. However, in developed countries all the blood used for transfusions are now tested for HIV, making HIV infection through blood transfusions is now extremely rare. In some developing countries, testing systems are not so efficient and transmission through blood transfusions continues to occur. Blood products, such as those used by people with haemophilia, are now heat-treated to make them safe.
Infection in health-care settings
·         Hospitals and clinics now take precautions to prevent the spread of blood-borne infections, including the use of sterile surgical instruments, wearing gloves, and safely disposing of medical waste. In developed countries, HIV transmission in health-care settings is extremely rare. Health-care workers have on rare occasions become infected with HIV by being stuck with needles containing HIV-infected blood.). There have been only a very few documented instances of patients acquiring HIV from an infected health-care worker..
Tattoos / piercing
·         Anything that allows another person's blood to get into another bloodstream carries a risk. Equipment not been sterilized before having a tattoo or piercing, there could pose a significant risk of exposure if the person before was HIV positive. In most developed countries there are hygiene regulations governing tattoo and piercing. Always ask staff at the shop what procedures they take to avoid infection.
You cannot get HIV from. . .
 Saliva does contain HIV, but the virus is only present in very small quantities and as such cannot cause HIV infection. Both partners would have to  have large open sores in their mouths, or severely bleeding gums, for transmission risk from mouth-to-mouth kissing.
Sneezing, coughing, sharing glasses/cups, etc
·         HIV cannot reproduce outside its living host, except under controlled laboratory conditions and does not survive in the open air, making  the possibility of this type of environmental transmission remote. In practice no environmental transmission has been recorded.HIV cannot be transmitted through spitting, sneezing, sharing glasses, cutlery, or musical instruments. You also can't be infected in swimming pools, showers or by sharing washing facilities or toilet seats.
·         Studies have shown no evidence of HIV transmission through insect bites, even in areas where there are many cases of HIV and AIDS.HIV only lives for a short time and cannot reproduce inside an insect. So, even if the virus enters a mosquito or another sucking or biting insect, the insect does not become infected and cannot transmit HIV to the next human it feeds on or bites.
Injecting drugs with sterile needles
·         Injecting with a sterile needle and works will not transmit HIV. If a person is on drugs (including alcohol) then their judgement may be clouded, making them more likely to become involved in risky sexual behaviour, which increases the chance of exposure to HIV.
Protected sex
·         Condoms, iIf used correctly and consistently, are highly effective at preventing HIV transmission. Some  believe condoms are not adequate ,scientific tests have disproved this theory.Condoms are effective at preventing HIV during both vaginal and anal sex and can help to reduce the risks during oral sex too.


One can receive testing at their personal doctors or by visiting their local health Department.  Many have the rapid testing which is only a 20 minute test. 

IV antibody test

HIV antibody tests are the most appropriate test for routine diagnosis of HIV among adults.  Antibody tests are inexpensive and very accurate. The ELISA antibody test (enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent) also known as EIA (enzyme immunoassay) was the first HIV test to be widely used.  When a person becomes infected with HIV, the body responds by producing proteins that fight infection, called antibodies. An HIV antibody test looks for these antibodies in blood, saliva or urine. If antibodies to HIV are present, it means a person has been infected with HIV.
Most people will  develop detectable HIV antibodies within 6 to 12 weeks. In very rare cases, it can take up to 6 , it is exceedingly unlikely that someone would take longer than 6 months to develop antibodies. A negative test at three months almost always means a person is not infected with HIV. It is very important to note that if a person is infected with HIV, they can still transmit the virus to others during the window period.
ELISA tests are very sensitive and will detect very small amounts of HIV antibody. There is a small chance that a result could come back as ‘false positive’. A false positive result means that a person may not be infected with HIV,  however,  the  antibody test has come back positive. All positive test results are followed up with a confirmatory test, such as:

Rapid HIV tests

These tests are based on the same technology as ELISA tests, but instead of sending the sample out to a laboratory to be analyzed, the rapid test can give results in a short 20 minutes. Rapid tests can use either a blood sample or oral fluids. They are easy to use and do not require highly trained staff or laboratory facilities.
All positive results from a rapid test must be followed up with a confirmatory test, the results of which can take from a few days to a few weeks.

Antigen test (P24 test)

Antigens are substances found on a foreign body or germ that cause the production of antibodies in the body. The antigen on HIV that commonly provokes an antibody response is the protein P24. Early on in the HIV infection, P24 is produced in excess and can be detected in the blood serum. P24 antigen tests are not usually used for general HIV diagnostic purposes, as they have a very low sensitivity and they only work before antibodies are produced in the period immediately after HIV infection. They are now most often used as a component of 'fourth generation' tests.

PCR test

A PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction test) detecst the genetic material of HIV instead of the antibodies to the virus, and so it can identify HIV in the blood within two or three weeks of infection. The test is also known as a viral load test and HIV NAAT (nucleic acid amplification testing).
Babies that are born to HIV positive mothers are usually tested using a PCR test.  Babies retain their mother's antibodies for several months, making an antibody test inaccurate. Blood supplies in most developed countries are screened for HIV using PCR tests. However, as they are very expensive and more complicated to administer and interpret than a standard antibody test, they are not often used to test for HIV in individuals,
Relationships need not be affected in a negative way, although it is realistic to expect that some people will discriminate against you or socially reject you,  It is very possible that you will find love and support if you keep positive. The healthiest relationships for you might be fostered when your HIV status is kept private, but you might be compelled to fully disclose your condition. In the case of intimate relationships, it is imperative that you disclose your condition to protect your partner.
Intimate Partner
o    If your partner is not HIV positive, it is important to be honest about your HIV and to take proper precaution to keep them protected. HIV.
o     High risk behavior includes vaginal or anal sex without a condom.
o    Sex with a condom, oral sex, french kissing or sharing cleaned sex toys are all considered low risk sexual behavior.
o    There is no risk with hugging, masturbation, fantasizing, dry kissing, phone sex, cyber sex or sex toys that are not shared.
o    In order to keep from spreading HIV to others, you must use a condom every time you engage in either vaginal and anal sex.
o     It is important to have a non-infected partner tested every six months to check her status.
o    It is your choice as to whether or not to tell your friends if you are HIV positive. You might choose to be open about your status and tell. Shock, pity, disbelief, helplessness or endless questions are common reactions. Physically, there are no risks posed to a friend of someone with HIV.  Proper precautions should be taken though if there is blood shed.
Work Relationships
o    Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, people with HIV/AIDS are protected from discrimination. If you fear that HIV will affect your work performance and therefore threaten your employment, get a letter from your doctor explaining what you need.,. As long as the essential functions of your job can be completed, your employer has no legal right to terminate you on the condition of your HIV status.
o    You will have to decide if telling your family will bring you love and support or stress and grief. A healthy relationship should be one that is supportive, dependable and loving.  The question you should ask yourself before disclosing your HIV status to your family is whether your family will be able to offer you the support you need. Be prepared to answer personal questions, including how you contracted the virus.  Whether to disclose your HIV status to your children is your decision as a parent. There is no right or wrong answer. However, it is also wise to have a counselor or another trusted adult to whom your child can speak with about their feelings.
HIV and AIDS drug treatment
The aim of antiretroviral treatment is to keep the amount of HIV in the body at a low level  This is the main type of treatment for HIV or AIDS, yet is not a cure. It can stop people from becoming ill for many years. The treatment consists of drugs that have to be taken every day for the rest of a person’s life.This stops any weakening of the immune system and allows it to recover from any damage that HIV might have caused already.
The drugs are often referred to as:
  • antiretrovirals
  • ARVs
  • anti-HIV or anti-AIDS drugs
What is combination therapy?
Taking two or more antiretroviral drugs at a time is called combination therapy. Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is a combination of three or more anti-HIV. The main reason for combinations is that when  only one drug is taken, HIV could quickly become resistant to it and the drug could stop working. Taking two or more antiretrovirals at the same time vastly reduces the rate at which resistance would develop. There are more than 20 approved antiretroviral drugs but not all are licensed or available in every country.
Choosing when to start antiretroviral treatment is a very important decision. Once treatment has begun it must be adhered to, despite the side effects and other challenges one might face. Many factors must be weighed up when deciding whether to begin treatment, including the results of various clinical tests.
Information was taken from these great sites.  To read more: