Thursday, January 4, 2018

What is Reiki?
as interpreted by Pastor Christie LaValley, Reiki Master Teacher

In order to explain Reiki we have to look at the bigger picture. The universe is completely made out of energy. From this energy everything is create. The star, the planets, the moons, the trees, the plants, people, pets and even little one celled amoebas. Those is hard to think that the couch or chair that you are sitting on is made of the same energy that you are made of. But it is.. Science has proven that solid objects are not solid but squillions of closely dense vibrating atoms.
Every atom has two components. There's the nucleus at the center made of protons and neutrons and then there's a whole bunch of electrons whizzing around that nucleus. . However, an atom primarily lots of space with a very small nucleus and electrons of negative electricity. A chair as solid as it is, is open space and electricity. So if atoms are empty space, how does your butt even know the chair is there? Why do you not fall through As stated on np,r Adam Frank explains:
The answer is as simple as it is weird. It's all just forces.
Cracking like lightning through the void, all the specks of electrons and the specks of nuclei are constantly interacting through a force called electromagnetism. Each interaction is carried out through the jolting exchange of particles of pure energy called photons (which is really just a nubbins of light). Each photon swapped equals a little push or a pull — a force — exerted across the emptiness. That's really what's keeping the stuff we call your butt from drifting through the stuff we call your chair.
So, the truth of the matter, dear friends, is there is no "solid" matter. Everything you think of as solid — tables, chairs, a '69 cherry red Ford Mustang, your child's noggin — none of it is really solid. Instead, there are only rapid-fire bursts of pure energy carrying forces between impossibly small flecks of somethingness. And all of it is lost in an atomic void as empty as intergalactic space.
Think about that the next time you plop down in a chair.
So if your child’s noggin is nothing but pure energy that came from the universe, scientifically whether proven yet or not we are a collective part of the universe. It is undeniable,even though, you are bound to question it. It is what humans do. We question things, we examine things, we doubt things, we study things, we mess with the order of things to prove its existence or to manipulate it to our advantage. However, humans tend to need to be able to see things to perceive them as truths. But as explained above an atom is small. And that is what often messed up our energy flow.
I can not prove to you the existence of Universal life force energy or the fact that you are able to influence it with your brain’s thoughts as part of the collective, but if these physicists are telling us the truth of their studies that we are vibrating energy made from the energy found throughout the universe,there is no reason not to believe. Even more interesting is in ancient eastern Ayurvenic Medicine Chinese Medicine, in Yoga, in religions such as Taoism.and even Christianity they have been speaking of this Universal Life Force energy by many names Prana, Chi, Qi, Ki, the light, the holy spirit which is part of a trinity of God and Jesus Christ, and Reiki .
I am not trying to commit blasphemy, I am believe I am part of God, a daughter of God, a sister to the earth and the sun. I am breath in air, I drink water. So they are part of me and I am part of them. We are collectively one. So when one is suffering from a malfunction or loss of energy which can cause disease, it is our obligation to call forth God, our universal life force, to allow us to assist our brother or sister. Being part of the collective allows us access to this. All of us.
It is believed as organic beings, we are born with the ability to renew our energy with ease. As we age, it is not as easy. Disease or death can manifest as energy decreases or does not flow correctly. The nice part is both science and religion do not believe we just cease to exist. Energy or souls move one to another plane of existence for energy and the soul can not be destroyed.. How could they both be wrong? I doubt either are.
Moving forward to Reiki … Reiki translated into English a few ways, Ghost Vapor How close to holy spirit this falls. Its earliest translation was Universal life force energy or sacred energy.
Mikao Usui was the originator of Reiki. He was born in 1865 at the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in Japan to an upper class family of high ranking of the Hatamot Sumurai.. As a youth, he studied with Tendia Buddhist Monks. He furthered his studies with everything from medicine, to history, psychology, esoteric art of divination and incantation. He traveled to Europe, America and China.
For 200 years prior to Usui birth Japan had been in isolation from the rest of the world. Usui grew up in a time of radial change and his people were lost and confused. It is known that Usui himself was troubled.
They were searching for some sort of new spiritual development.. This was Usui inspiration. He wanted to develop a system that would provide a simple method where an individual could reconnect with their innate spirituality without the constraints of any particular religion. Reiki origins come from a mixed bag of traditional beliefs and philosophies. He wanted everyone to have access to a path of enlightenment. The hands on healing that we think of today is just part of his original system, It is said that the system of Reiki came to him in a vision on Mount Kurama, a place of spiritual legend and roots in Tendia Buddhism and shinto, shugendo, samurai and martial arts.Christianity was believed to be an influence too, but only because of some similarities.
Close to a hundred and fifty years later, Reiki is now a common word associated with the laying of hands, but that is only a small part.. People who do become attuned to Reiki are known as Reiki practitioners and its practices are similar to that of yoga with meditations,the use of mantras, symbols, clean healthy living, respect of all and newer western forms of Reiki work on the chakras (our energy centers,) The main difference is as a practitioner should be attuned (awakened) to the energy through a teacher. Once attuned the practitioner has more accessibility to the innate part of their being and can use their connectedness to the universal life force energy to help heal others with the laying of hands, intentions or through meditation as well as healing themselves The Reiki system is a beautiful gift of intention and connectedness
I hope this article gives you a basic understanding of how Reiki works, how it came to be, and the intentions of the system of Reiki. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and I will do the best I can to answer it.

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